Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Christmas Harvest

If you're anything like me, you're pretty busy in the week leading up to Christmas, and not a great deal gets done in the garden. This year, as I didn't have to work until Christmas Eve, I did a lot of Christmas baking for gift and for our visitors on Boxing Day. I made my 'famous' shortbread, made with my late Grandmother's recipe, and highly anticipated by some members of the family; Christmas cookies, sugared peanuts (that turned out really well and were gobbled up by my spouse well before Christmas!); and Oliver and I made chocolates. I also made a yummy trifle as I do every year.

I find though, that once Christmas is done, I'm super keen to get my jobs done while I have some time off from work. So in the last four days I've been pretty busy. I did some indoor cleaning and organising, but also did a few things outside, including harvesting my first crop of apricots, which I'm confident will ripen nicely off the tree. The one I tasted was delicious, so much so that I took the ladder into the garden to make sure I picked the really high ones. I'm amazed at how big the apricot tree has grown since I planted it last year. It's easily twice the size of the apple trees in the same garden.

I also picked my first zucchini (yum!),
a bucket of potatoes (which I cooked straight away and forgot to photograph!) and in the next week or so will probably be picking several kilos of blackberries. I'll go out and take a photo of the bush tomorrow, it's amazing!

I also did a bit (OK, a lot) of weeding, tied up more tomato branches and cut off some more of the un-flowering leaves (I'm sure there's a proper name for them!). 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Grow your own breakfast

This morning, I really wanted a leek omelette. If you've never had one, I recommend you try it. I found this recipe a while back, but don't tend to use the salt, pepper or nutmeg. Just the leek is enough.

Even better is when you grow the leeks yourself.  The leeks I planted in October are just big enough for me to pick.
 So I pulled out two of those, and together with a couple of my eggs, I put together a little omelette and satisfied my craving.
Great way to start the day!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Vertical gardening

Despite having a big block, we're still always looking for more places to plant things. And I'm always trying to find ways to use the bits of stuff that Anthony collects for 'just in case we need it'.

So there were a bunch of old gutters lying around (don't get me started on why we have old gutters lying around!), and we thought it might be a good idea to experiment with some different garden arrangements.

Anthony screwed three of the pieces of guttering to the fence above my raspberry garden, on an angle one above the other so that they will (hopefully) drain OK. We then filled them up with potting mix, and planted a bunch of things, including strawberries, parsley, oregano, a chilli plant and some lemon grass.

If nothing else, it will be a good experiment. If it works, it will be a good way to do herbs (leaving me with more room for my vegies!). I do like the idea of using the unused space, and using materials that would otherwise be chucked out.
See all the yummy blackberries in the background? Can't wait until they're ripe!
I'll keep you posted about how they go.

A berry good harvest!

Super busy this weekend, but I did manage to pick some berries. A good punnet and a half of blueberries:

And the same of boysenberries:

I do so love boysenberries, but geez they're painful! If you've never grown them, they grow on branches covered in tiny little thorns that love to attach themselves to you even when you're just passing by.

We put our boysenberries in a few years ago, and then a few years later tried to take them out, but they send out underground sucker, so once they're in, they're almost impossible to remove. So I've given up and just let them grow in the little bed beside my driveway. Because they do taste very good!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Little Harvests

We have had a fair amount of rain (more than 50mm) over the last few days, with some big thunderstorms keeping things interesting (I love summer storms!).
I've been too busy to take pictures but the storm clouds have been amazing!
So I haven't been out in the garden much, but this morning was able to go and pull out a few weeds and pick some food!

A punnet's worth of yummy blueberries:

Some potatoes for dinner (slow-cooker vegemite roast lamb with home grown rosemary and garlic!):

 And my first cherries in a couple of years! YUM!

This a dumb thing to say, but the stuff you get to pick and eat is definitely the best part of growing food (oh, and we'll be a bit better off when the zombie apocalypse comes)!